Thanks to NBC30's Andy Pergam's story about our little business, we've heard from dozens of people around the country. I mean from Detroit to Dallas, Seattle to Iowa, Maine to Florida. And quite a few places in between and some not so in between — like Calgary, Alberta (that's Canada!!!) And everyone had warm well-wishes and supportive words of congratulations. We feel truly humbled that you all like our idea and are inspired by our leap of faith with our venture.
To everyone (small business owners and cupcake lovers alike) who e-mailed and CALLED long distance, thank you! We wish we could bring our truck out to visit you but for now, we hope that you will continue to follow our story and that perhaps one day you will be able to come visit us in our corner of New England.
We'd love to get back to all of you personally, but as you can probably imagine it's not easy to do right now. So for now, as so many of you said to us...keep on truckin'!
We'd also like to thank the people who were there right from the very beginning all those weeks ago. What's it been like 5 weeks now :) Thanks for telling your friends and family and coworkers and for coming back again and again to buy our goodies.
And to Yoon-Young, thanks for your help spreading the word. We miss you in New Haven.