Monday, March 26, 2012

No parking Monday. Back out tomorrow.

In the meanwhile, don't forget you can get a great deal on our cupcakes (and help some local kids) until tomorrow only. Don't miss out!

Rum Cakes and more will be back on the menu this week and we're headed to a new Truck Stop Tuesday. We're ironing out the details and the specific time and parking spot details will be posted later this afternoon.

It's the time of year when lots of local organizations take advantage of the warming temperatures to raise awareness and funds for some great causes. We always try to do what we can. Check out a couple of upcoming events where you'll find us parked and handing out or selling our goodies. Let us know if you have an event happening soon.

Register for the Dyslexia Dash in Madison whose proceeds support the National Dyslexia Association's Connecticut branch.

The New Haven Symphony Orchestra's Second Annual Run for the Music is coming up on April 22. Run or walk and support education programs for music lovers of all ages.