Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Truck not out this week. Private events and big moves

Just because we're not out on the street, doesn't mean we're not working hard. There is so much that goes into the day to day running of any business (treasure your local small businesses folks—they, and not Big Business, are the real lifeblood of this great nation).

We are prepping for a couple of private events and look forward to seeing some old friends that we've worked with in the past. As for everyone else, we will be back out very soon and will have some news and updates for you about our summer plans, new Truck Stops, a cool new "vehicle" and lots more. Don't worry, those delicious cupcakes will make it all worthwhile when we're back on the road. Sometimes we have to take a few steps to the side to take some (we hope) leaps forward.

Have a fantastic day, Truckers Thanks for your continued support and love. As always, please email us your orders, questions to us at and we will get back to you as soon as we can.