Friday, April 13, 2012

Roll with the Original; It's College Night!

No, you're not seeing double. There are other cupcake trucks roaming the streets lately. They say imitation is the sincerest form of flattery and we'll leave it at that. Suffice it to say, we hope you will continue to seek out the original and éviter les contrefaçons.

It's that fun time of year again, kids. We'll be back at College Night on Broadway today from 5-9pm or as long as we have the cupcakes you love. Check out all the sales, giveaways, great entertainment and food (ahem...cupcakes). Look for us on Elm Street between Ivy Noodle and Trailblazer.  It's gonna be a gorgeous day and we hope you will stop by to support the original Cupcake Truck and more importantly, to get some cupcakes.

Chocolate Ruin, Red Velvet Jones, Ultimate Vanilla, Hazelnut Swirl, Hummingbird, Vegan Chocolate

Chocolate Buttercream, Vanilla Buttercream, Noisette Buttercream, Frosty Colada Buttercream, Cream Cheese Frosting

Happy Friday the 13th