Sunday, October 5, 2008

Fall Schedule Change

Due to our desire to fill all the special orders we've been receiving, the Truck will do as many bakeries do who do not open on Mondays.

Starting tomorrow, we will NOT be parking the truck on Mondays. However, we will still fill and deliver your special orders on that day. So if you just can't wait till Tuesday, why not go ahead and start a cupcake pool with your co-workers, friends and family? Simply call or e-mail us with your order of a dozen or more by Thursday and we will deliver it the following Monday.

NOTE: All orders will be taken on a first come, first served basis. If we are able to fill your order, we will contact you via phone or e-mail by Friday to confirm.

The Truck will be parked on Tuesday, when we will do our darndest to park earlier and bring you more of the cupcakes you've told us you enjoy. See you then!